Subject Learning Outcome
This is an interesting subject which had introduced me to several basic architectural theory through a consideration of intentions, concepts, patterns, disciplines, architectural language and contextual relationships.
I learned about various factors that had affected architectural design throughout time. For example, I got to know about building types, styles and their periods. I also know how to exemplify and classify the sequence of historical periods and their significance in architecture. this subject required a lot of research and study which also taught me to study independently and take up a habit of researching about buildings from various periods. The projects allowed me to do deeper research on selected buildings and create a documentation that comprises of intentions, concepts, patterns, disciplines, architectural language and contextual relationships of that building.
Project: Precedent Study
Being the one and only project for this subject, it has been an interesting and educational one, whereby in a group of 4, we were to analyze a specific building through drawing, model-making, written and verbal presentations. I got to know about the accurate verbal architectural vocabulary when referring to the types, styles and periods of buildings. Working as a group also encouraged team building, utilizing team dynamics to achieve a goal. The building we chose was St. Peter's Basilica, which was constructed during the Baroque Period. We learned what is Baroque style and how this building represented Baroque architecture. I've understood the ethical issues in the context of architecture history and conveyed them through our presentations. An in-depth study of the building as well as model making of St. Peter's basilica gave us a thorough tour on the building, whether aesthetically, structurally or in the aspect of its history. This project is divided into 3 different parts.
Part 1: Essay
This is a group essay written by me and fellow members Charlene, Josephine and Nicole. We were required to answer questions regarding the building such as the architect,its form and shape, the function, materials, historical significance as well as how it reflects Baroque architecture.
Part 2: Analysis Presentation Board
This is an individual project that requires us to choose an interesting aspect of the selected building and derive the information onto a presentation board. The aspect I chose is the facade of St. Peter's Basilica.
Part 3: Model
This is a group model of St. Peter's basilica in which we placed a lot of effort into. Through this model, we communicate our analysis of the building. The model shows the East elevation (facade) and a cross-section of St. Peter's basilica. It is hand-made using Balsa wood.
Facade |
Cross-section |
The Dome |
The Columns |
The Pediment and The Statues |
The Dome and The Pediment |
Perspective |
Group Photo with The Model
It had been a very interesting journey throughout this subject with my course mates and tutor, Mr. Sarly. It taught me to manage my time as well as gave me my firsthand experience at making a wooden model. Which was a great success I might add. Cheers!
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