Subject Learning Outcome
After completing this module, I realized the importance and the sequence of generating concepts through various inspiring sources. Ideas can be found anywhere, but a good and solid idea takes a lot of refining from the first inspiration. Also, I slowly became independent of using symbolism. Critical thinking and problem solving are constantly adapted in order to generate designs that are both bombastic yet holds onto a certain level of logic. As an architect-wannabe, I've also learned that our tools to design or inform a form or space are walls, floors, ceilings and openings. For this semester, we've been focusing on a lot of anthropology and human proportion, and thereby creating spaces that encompasses that aspect.
Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man
Furthermore, I've understood and practice incorporating design elements, principles and materials into a composition that demonstrated place-making. Multiple sketches and models were constructed to develop design ideas, visualize and communicate the design. Overall, this subject also thought me to be independent, and constantly reflecting on one's action and learning, taking mistakes as lessons, changing conflicts to experiences.
<------ Mock up models ------ >

The Model
Project 1: Self-expression Through Object
Learning Outcomes
I learned to generate ideas to represent myself in various creative ways, better understanding myself, identifying various characteristic of me and abstracting them. This is the first project of my degree semester 1, which involved many class discussions which also thought me to communicated my ideas to in-class presentations. These discussions taught me to accept and share opinions from different perspectives. And here's the art piece I created entitled Eye-Candy.
The process:
This is the first attempt, which is a fine charcoal sketch of myself, which shows the patience of me as well as how I like things to be fine and elaborated. The placing of my hands are as if against something and if you hold palm to palm to the portrait, it shows how I want to interact with you, that I'm friendly and curious.
Yes. I'm sweet and I like playing Candy Crush, you do too right? I've always loved colours and being extremely elaborated with my projects. The art/sculpture shows these characteristics of myself, made of thousands of crushed sweets. The hands represent that I am quite a selfish person too.. that I'll always save some for myself, instead of generously offering everything I can.
Project 2: Self-expression Through Architectural Space
Learning Outcomes
This group project taught me to identify and constantly take in the importance of human scale and proportion when designing a space.I discovered how human anthropometry relates to spatial designing and how to narrate the design through verbal presentations. I've also learned to accept criticism openly and learn from them. I've also develop a great deal of interpersonal skills by assuming leadership in order to keep the project on schedule, as well as using team dynamics to an advantage in the construction of this one to one scale model. This project is entitled Demure Bloom.
The End Product:
<------ Mock up models ------ >
Project 3: Space For The Self
Learning Outcomes
From the final project of this subject, I learned to design and create a space with emphasis on a general idea and conceptual narrative. I have also understood the role of space and proportion relating to the human body and therefore creating the space based on it. I am able to discipline specific knowledge by putting all that I've learned in this semester into creating this space. I adapted various design principles into my designs such as spatial organization and relationships. Site visits also taught me how various organization of space and materials can change and communicate certain messages or expressions to people. It was also my first time experiencing a formal presentation, which let me experience diverse views and opinions and how to communicate appropriately in different contexts.
Site visit to Makam Pahlawan and Tugu Negara
The End Product:
The Site model
This is our group site model which is based on the selected movie, Tron Legacy.
The Presentation Board
The Model
All in all, I had a good time and had learned a lot from this course, whether in architectural aspect or public communication. I now have a better understanding of architecture and how to overcome things that I once thought impossible.
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